Penketh & Old Hall Angling Society
    News 2023 Last Updated 23rd July 2024

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July 2024
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23rd July 2024 - Midweek League Result - Hall Lane

Results, league update from today's match at Hall Lane.

Match Report Click Here
Midweek League Click Here
13th July 2024 - Weekend League Result - Bradshaw Hall

Results and league update from today's match at Bradshaw Hall.

Match Report Click Here
Weekend League Click Here
6th July 2024 - Weekend League Result - Cunneries

Results and league update from today's match at Cunneries.

Match Report Click Here
Weekend League Click Here
3rd July 2024 - Midweek League Result - Partridge Lakes

Results, league update from yesterday's match at Partridge Lakes.

Match Report Click Here
Midweek League Click Here
June 2024
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25th June 2024 - Midweek League Result - Hall Lane

Results, league update from today's match at Hall Lane.

Match Report Click Here
Midweek League Click Here
23rd June 2024 - Weekend League Result - Firswood

Results, league update and photo's from yesterday's match at Firswood.

Match Report Click Here
Weekend League Click Here
Match Photo Gallery Click Here
12th June 2024 - Midweek League Result - Partridge Lakes

Results, league update from yesterday's match at Partridge Lakes.

Match Report Click Here
Midweek League Click Here
MAY 2024
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28th May 2024 - Midweek League Result - Hall Lane

Results, league update from today's match at Hall Lane.

Match Report Click Here
Midweek League Click Here
14th May 2024 - Midweek League Result - Partridge Lakes

Results, league update from today's match at Partridge Lakes.

Match Report Click Here
Midweek League Click Here
11th May 2024 - Weekend League Result - Partridge Lakes

Results, league update and photo's from today's match at Partridge Lakes.

Match Report Click Here
Weekend League Click Here
Match Photo Gallery Click Here
5th May 2024 - Weekend League Result - Old Hough

Results, league update and photo's from yesterday's match at Old Hough.

Match Report Click Here
Weekend League Click Here
Match Photo Gallery Click Here
1st May 2024 - Midweek League Result - Hall Lane

Results, league update from yesterday's match at Hall Lane.

Apologies for delay in publishing

Match Report Click Here
Midweek League Click Here
APRIL 2024
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24th April 2024 - Weekend League Result - Hall Lane

Results, league update and photo's from last weekends match at Hall Lane.

Apologies for delay in publishing

Match Report Click Here
Weekend League Click Here
Match Photo Gallery Click Here
6th April 2024 - Weekend League Result - Fir Tree
Second match of the season, was a tough day, all the info below, including a photo gallery.
Match Report Click Here
Weekend League Click Here
Match Photo Gallery Click Here
MARCH 2024
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23rd March 2024 - Weekend League Result
Our first match of 2024 took place today at a wet and windy Partridge Lakes.
Quick links to match report and league below.

We will be putting a match invite on Whatsapp next weekend for the Fir Tree match which takes place on 06/04/24. So if you want to be on this match, reply to the invite on Whatsapp when it is posted.
Match Report Click Here
Weekend League Click Here
12th March 2024 - Forthcoming Match

Less than two weeks until our first weekend match of 2024
Just to advise all that this match is fully booked and we would like to advise all members that if your name is not on the list, please, please don’t just turn up and expect to fish the match because that won’t happen, we can only accommodate the number of pegs allocated. We don’t want to upset anyone.
Anglers on this match are:-
James Bryan, John Osborne, Mark Davies, Kev Vaughan, Mike Payton, Tony Bennett, Jeff Dobson, Lee Clarke, Alfie Wright, Neil Wright, Demi Dayton, Paul Roby, John Bryan, Phil Clare, Geoff Burgess, Mark Whibley.
Future matches  will have peg numbers allocated, some matches more than others depending on venue/pool.
Bookings will only be accepted via whatsapp following match announcement.
We will announce future weekend matches via our whatsapp group approximately a week prior to match, so keep an eye on your whatsapp! If you haven’t got whatsapp follow this link.

Midweek matches can still be attended as you have previously whatsapp is only to cater for weekend matches.
Look forward to seeing you all soon

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29th February 2024 - Club Weekend Matches

Following the creation of our Whatsapp 'Match Group', we can advise that our first weekend match of 2024 Partridge Lakes on 23rd March is now fully subscribed.

James Bryan, John Osborne, Mark Davies, Kev Vaughan, Mike Payton, Tony Bennett, Jeff Dobson, Lee Clarke, Alfie Wright, Neil Wright, Demi Dayton, Paul Roby, John Bryan, Phil Clare, Geoff Burgess, Mark Whibley.

We do have a reserve list should anyone booked on advise they cannot make it. So message us via Whatsapp group if you wish to go down as a reserve. Weekend match bookings will only be accepted via Whatsapp group. In future we will issue a message prior to future weekend matches advising when we start accepting bookings, no random messages please at any other time regarding bookings. Note: at present this group is only for weekend matches, our midweek matches can be booked/attended as previous, until advised otherwise. We appreciate your help in adhering to this new system.

7th February 2024 - Match Pages
We have now updated our matches page with details of 2025 match bookings with only one left to be confirmed for 2025.
We hope you like the matches we've booked, see you for the start of 2024 in a little over six weeks.
1st February 2024 - Club Licence

We can now let you all know that our 2024/25 club licence is available to purchase via our shop page.
Licence comes into effect from 16th March, so plenty of time for you to get it. Licence is now £16.00 which is a £1.00 increase from previous, and our first increase since 2009! Still fantastic value for money.

1st Feb 2024 - For anyone interested we are also in Hoop & Mallet Pub, Callands this evening from 9pm, where you can also purchase a licence (card payment only)

Club Licence
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30th January 2023 - Belated Happy New Year
A belated Happy New Year to all of our members hope you are keeping well.
We have produced our 2024/25 club licence available from February and becomes valid from 16th March. To purchase online visit our shop page.

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